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The purpose of the Sandisfield Cultural Council is to fund and promote activities that enrich our community.

Individuals, nonprofits, public schools, libraries, municipal agencies and religious organizations may apply for funding of cultural programming that benefits the public. Applicants must reside or be located in Massachusetts.

Our Council has the following priorities when considering applications:

  • the venue should reach a large group in the community;
  • school children and activities related to learning are a high priority; and
  • local presenters dealing with the arts, humanities and science are encouraged.

Due to the delay in setting the annual state budget, the earliest possible time the Mass Cultural Council can determine and announce Local Cultural Council allocations is January and most likely not until February 2021. Because of this delay, the FY21 grant application deadline for all Local Cultural Councils, including Sandisfield, has been extended to December 14, 2020 at 11:59 ET.

Please note that if your project was postponed due to COVID-19 in FY20, you may apply again for additional funding in FY21. 

For program guidelines, council priorities and to apply for a grant, please visit: