To the Sandisfield Community

Town Hall Staff

Dear friends,

As you know, the Town Hall is short-staffed at the moment. As a result, in the interim some processes may take longer than usual. Please be patient as we are doing our best to deal with the situation, while at the same time working to recruit and assemble the most dedicated and effective team possible.

There will be procedural changes ahead to bring the town up to date and in compliance with current state law.

This will include, for example, how we deal with mail, with transfer station permits, posting of notices and other items. As we bring new personnel on board, items such as the hours that the Town Hall is open to the public could be in flux. We will post these changes on the Town website as well as at the Town Hall. It is my intention to use the much-neglected website as an important tool for updated Town information. Again, please bear with us as this all gets sorted out.

The Town Hall is currently open Monday through Thursday 9 am to 2 pm.

More importantly – as we are moving forward as a progressive town into the 21st century, we must resurrect a concept that has been at the heart of everything that has made this country great: from Social Security and Medicare to the interstate highway system, our well-being and prosperity have sprung from our mutual recognition of the high significance of the idea of the “common good”. The strength of our national well-being and moral leadership has corresponded to the value given to this idea in our history.

If we want Sandisfield to be a prosperous and healthy town, this idea of the common good must guide what we think, say and do. Whether you are a Town official, a writer for the Sandisfield Times, a poster on Connect Sandisfield or someone talking to your neighbor, please ask yourself: “Is what I’m tempted to write or to say now going to enhance the common good, or will it be damaging to it?”

Let us please be patient and tolerant toward one another, so that we can move ahead together into a happier future.

George Riley