Mud Season Has Arrived

Mud Season

The Highway Department will continue to do their best to maintain dirt road conditions within their capabilities and budget throughout the ongoing mud season. The crew is hauling in loads of stone to help stiffen up the mud and provide a base on which vehicles can travel. Roads will also be graded and york-raked to help aerate and dry out the mud. It will be at the discretion of the DPW Superintendent to determine whether the heavy machinery will do more harm than good.

Dirt roads thaw and soften during the day when the early spring sun beats down on them and will frequently re-freeze overnight. Additionally, melting snow and spring rains contribute to the mess.

The Highway Department highly recommends residents follow these mud seasons tips:

  • Travel dirt roads in the early morning before the thaw occurs and later in the evening when the grounds re-freeze.
  • Try to schedule any gas or oil deliveries on cold weather days to assure safe delivery.
  • Always travel dirt roads in 4-wheel drive vehicles whenever possible.
  • Respect any and all Road Closed signs in town. These roads are open to residents who live on them, but are closed to through-traffic. Road conditions are assessed daily by the DPW.

We thank you for your patience and cooperation during this time.